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Please read the documentation page to learn how to use Overwolf game events.

Sample Apps

Available Features

Game events status

It is highly recommended to communicate errors and warnings to your app users.

Check here the game events status. OR - easily check the game events status from your app, using our API.


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
gep_internalgep_internalLocal + Public version numberSee notes143.0

gep_internal note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
killsmatch_infoTotal number of kills in the matchSee notes90.0
headshotsmatch_infoTotal number of headshots in the matchSee notes127.0
total_damage_dealtmatch_infoTotal damage dealt in the current matchSee notes127.0
max_kill_distancematch_infoMax kill distance in CMSee notes127.0

kills notes:

Currently, there is a known issue where if a teammate knocks out an enemy and the local player finishes him off, he will not get the kill event.

Data Example:


headshots note

Data Example:


total_damage_dealt note

Data Example:


max_distance_kill note



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
killnullThe local player killed another player90.0
knockoutnullThe local player knocked-out another player127.0
headshotnullThe local player hit another player with a headshot127.0
damage_dealtamount of damage dealt by the local playerThe local player “damaged” an enemy or himself127.0
firenullWhen local player attacks.Relevant also for fists.128.0

kill note:

Currently, there is a known issue where if a teammate knocks out an enemy and the local player finishes him off, he will not get the kill event.

Data Example:


knockout note

Data Example:


headshot note

Data Example:


damage_dealt note:

This event can not be used in real-time, as it can give an unfair advantage to the user. You can use it post-match.

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
match_idmatch_infoThe current match ID code.
Can be compared and checked at this link120.0


EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
matchStartnullMatch started90.0
matchEndnullMatch ended. See notes below90.0
matchSummarynullThe match summary screen (with the user’s rank) is shown

matchStart notes

Data Example:


matchEnd notes

The matchEnd event is fired when your player is killed, and when you exit to the lobby. (which means that if you get killed and then you exit to the lobby, you will see two calls for this event).

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
pseudo_match_idmatch_infoThe current match’s ID code.
This is an Overwolf-generated code which is unrelated to the match ID given above.130.0.15


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
mematch_infoThe player’s rank at the end of the matchSee notes90.0
totalmatch_infoThe total number of playersSee notes90.0

me notes

Data Example:


total notes

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
pingperformanceThe local player’s latencyExample: {"name":"ping","data":"66"}0.133


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
locationgame_infoThe player’s current grid location (x,y,z).See example below0.116
safe_zonegame_infoThe location of the white circle and its radiusSee example below0.133
blue_zonegame_infoThe location of the blue circle and its radiusSee example below0.133
red_zonegame_infoThe location of the red circle and its radiusSee example below0.133


EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
time_to_next_circleAmount of seconds left to next safe zoneFrom the moment the first safe zone is formed.See example below0.133

location notes

  • Top-left is (0,0,z)
  • Large map (Miramar, Erangel, etc.) size is 8160×8160 (8 sq. KM)
  • Medium map (Vikendi) size is 6120×6120 (6 sq. KM)
  • Small map (Sanhok) size is 4080×4080 (4 sq. KM)
  • The location is being updated every two seconds while the player is in the airplane
  • The location is being updated every second while the user is not in the airplane (freefly or on the ground)



zones notes

  • x & y are the center of the circle.
  • radius is the circle’s radius.



time_to_next_circle notes



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
namemeThe player’s nickname
bodyPositionmeThe local player’s peek-position.
  • ‘leanLeft’
  • ‘leanRight’
  • ‘straight’
inVehiclemeWhether the local player is inside a vehicle or not.
  • ‘null’Bool - ‘True‘/‘False‘
Valid for the airplane as well.128.0
aimingmeThe player’s different type of aim-focus usage.
  • ‘null’
  • ‘focusedAim’
  • ‘aimDownSight’
  • aimDownSight_holding_breath’
viewmeThe player’s perspective (Third Person/First Person).
  • ‘TPP’
  • ‘FPP’
freeViewmeWhen the local player uses the ‘ALT’ feature to look around.
  • Bool - ‘True‘/‘False‘
movementmeThe player’s type of movement speed.
  • ‘normal’
  • ‘fast’
  • ‘stealth’
inventory_XXinventoryInfo about the inventory of the local player. Each “inventory_XX” object
represents one item and is being cleared once this item is dropped/replaced
by the player.
This info-update provides:
  • name (string) – name of the item
  • count (int) – number of items
"value":"{"name" :"Item_Attach_Weapon_Muzzle_FlashHider
equipped_XXinventoryInfo about “equipable” items. Each “equipped_XX” object represents
one item and is being cleared once this item is dropped/replaced
by the player.
This info-update provides
  • name (string) – the name of the item
  • count (int) – number of items
  • {"feature":"me","category":"inventory","key":"equipped_1",
    "value":"{"name": "Item_Weapon_vz61Skorpion_C_1"
weaponStateinventoryInfo about the weapon and its state.
This info-update provides:
  • name (string) – the name of the weapon used by the local player
  • equipped (bool) – in hand (true) or holstered (false)
  • count (int) – number of items
healthmeThe player’s current healthSee notes135.0
stancemeThe player’s current stancePossible values are: stand, crouch and prone.135.0


EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
jumpnullLocal player jumps (space)128.0

health note:

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
nicknamesmatch_infoThe names of players in the local players' squad.See notes90.0
team_locationmatch_infoThe X, Y, and Z coordinates of your team members.See notes134.0
team_indexmatch_infoThe index number of every squad member position by order of appearance.See notes134.0

nicknames note

Each member has an index number that indicates his position in the squad's roster by order of appearance (f.ex first position is index 0, 2nd position is index 1, 3rd position is index 2... etc.)

Data Example:


team_location note

Data Example:


team_index note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
phasegame_infoThe game’s current statesee notes90.0

phase notes

Possible values:

  • lobby
  • loading_screen
  • airfield
  • aircraft
  • freefly
  • landed

Data example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
mapmatch_infoThe current map name
map names mapping0.90


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
roster_XXmatch_infoThis feature provides the entire list of players
(~99 players). See notes below

roster_XX notes

This feature provides the entire list of players (~99 players). Each player that joins the game (during the “airfield” phase) will be reported in the following way:


As you can see, this object includes:

  • player – Player name
  • kills – Number of kills. This field is being updated once the player leaves the game ( = quit the match).
  • out - false” when the player is “alive”, “true” when the player left the game (died or quit the match).
    When a player “leaves” the match, the following info-update will be reported:



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
revivednullThe local player was revivedSee notes0.90

revived notes

Data Example:




EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
deathnullThe local player diesSee notes0.90
knockedoutnullThe local player is knocked-outSee notes 0.90
damageTakennullThe local player receives damage.Not including damage
taken when outside the zone.

death notes

Data Example:


knockedout notes

Data Example:




EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
killerThe killer’s nicknameThe local player was killed by one of the playersSee notes90.4

killer notes:

When one of the local player’s squad members kills the local player, the provided data will be "self_kill”.

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name":"killer","data":"{ "killer_name": "Ace_Tullis"}"}]}