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Using this tab, you can see and respond to user reviews left on your app, as well as view your app's rating statistics. The Reviews Tab

Why is this important

Replying to reviews engages your users and makes them feel valued, further building loyalty.

  • Properly replying to positive reviews will help the user feel like someone cares about their feedback.
  • Properly replying to negative reviews can help change the user's mind, as well as show potential users that you value criticism.
Responding Correctly

More information and general guidelines about responding to specific reviews can be found here. If this does not cover your specific case, feel free to reach out to us, or talk directly with your DevRel manager.

App Score

App Score Overview At the top of the page, you can see a summary of your app's ratings, including:

  • Overwolf Appstore rating - Your app's current appstore rating. This is a simple average of all review scores for the app.
  • Total ratings - The total amount of reviews ever left on your app.

Reviews List

It is possible to filter the app reviews being shown by several things:

  • Ratings - "Only show reviews that gave x stars" (Can choose multiple).
  • Add filter -> Date - "Only show reviews written after time x and/or before time y". List Of App Reviews

App reviews are also split into pages, using The Paging Footer.

App Reviews

Here, you can see the individual reviews left by users.

Reviews will always contain the following:

  • The reviewer's username.
  • The date that the review was made on.
  • The score given by the review (on a scale of 1 to 5 stars).
  • Information of the user's client at the time of the review (only for use in providing context for the review), including:
    • App version.
    • Overwolf version.
    • GEP version.
    • Operating system (When expanded).
    • Main screen size && Main screen DPI (When expanded).
    • (If the user has a secondary screen) - Seconday screen size && Secondary screen DPI (When expanded).
  • An overview of your team's public reply to the review (if there is any), including:
    • Responder email.
    • Date of the original reply.
    • The reply's contents (editable).

When editing your team's reply to a review, you can use the Discard and Update reply buttons, which correspond to the Discard changes and Save buttons of The Footer Toolbar.

Reviews will also often (but not always) contain text. when they do, it will also be shown inside the review's overview.

An example app review. As there is no response to the review, we are prompted with a text field for the response. App Review Without Response

Once we start typing, the Discard and Public reply buttons will appear, allowing us to discard or publish this response. App Review With Response Draft

Responding To Reviews

Responding to reviews can be somewhat emotional. However, what feels right to say might not always actually be what's right.

Because of that, we have compiled a list of best practices for responding to reviews.

  • When responding, stay concise and clear when addressing any feedback.
  • Strive for a friendly tone that’s consistent with the voice of your brand, keeping the right level of professionalism.
  • Remain positive and respectful, even if it seems the user is attacking. You can start with something similar to "Thanks, your feedback helps us improve our app". Always clearly acknowledge the reviewer's feedback, and let them know if you’re working on taking care of the issue. Something in the lines of, "This is a known issue, and we are doing our best to fix it" can go a long way.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling. We recommend using tools like Grammarly.
  • Personalizing your responses rather than using generic responses for similar reviews (e.g. "Hey Alex, thanks for your feedback.").
  • When you release an app update that fixes issues mentioned in older reviews, consider replying to relevant reviews to tell these users about the fix.
    • Also make sure to update any reviews where you mentioned that you will be fixing this issue.
Keep in mind
  • You can only send one reply per review. This means that after adding your response, you can edit it - but not add another reply.
  • Users can't respond to your reply, nor can they create a thread/discussion, etc. They can, however, edit their own review.
  • Users do not receive any notification when you reply to their review.

In future versions, we might add more features, such as notifying users when someone replies to their review. Feel free to request those on our developers discord.