overwolf.utils.openUrlInDefaultBrowser - enhance security by checking the scheme and only allow requests to http/s or protocols allowed in the manifest.
Coexistence API - Event to indicate if there is another overlay library running + if Overwolf doesn't manage to render anything, allow the app to give a relevant notification
App Channels - a new feature that enables you to create and distribute different app versions for your users /testers. The first part of this feature announced already on v0.170, and now the second (and last) part is released - the app channels management tools from the dev console.
Extension tray icons would get blurry when changing display settings (try changing DPI from 100% to 175%).
Replay API - TurnOffResult typo.
GameInfoUpdatedEvent Object - fixed the issue that runningChanged is not being updated once a game starts running.
Fixed the issue that Video recording won't start if game is minimized.
Fixed a bug where subs oneapp page sometimes won't open.
New Reddit (new.reddit.com) has an issue with escaped space characters in redirects. This fix ensures space (%20) won't be re-encoded to %2B and break the redirect